Imagination is endless...
.:In Loving Memory:.
A Kiddi's Touch
...thinking between the world...
Please HELP
.:In Loving Memory:.
A Plead to Save the Spirit Bears and their land!
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For all the times I watched TV when I was younger Mr.Dressup was always there to make my day happier, to walk into the world of imagination and kiddi land... I will never forget the happy times of my childhood he brought
th. an. k   y .o    u      mr.  dre. ss. up.      
 f or a  ll the go od lau ghs and fu n tim    ez
"good bye from..."

*Of my great aunt Mona*

        D  a N  cE

In loving memory of my dear great aunt who just past away on Nov. 23, 2002!! For all her love and inspiration she has given to me *hugz* She was always there for me to look after me when I was younger, to go places with me or just to play games with me. May angels be with you tonight and always, guiding you thru a new & better life! And never ever forget me, I'll never forget you. I'll hold all those dear memories to heart. May you dance your way to heaven!
Love you with all my heart ~*Your niece


If wishes were magical colours, then I'd send you a rainbow & paint a night sky full of stars.
If I knew that it would be the last time I'd ever see you, then I would give you an extra kiss and a tighter hug,
If I knew that you had to die this instant I would tell you how much I love you and how much you inspired me..
but would you shush me? Would you just stand there and not accept all that you have given and blessed me with?
Or would you just this once here praise about yourself than giving others some, that this time you are in the spotlight and won't ever be forgotten.
It will be lonely at Christmas time, and when your birthday comes along, but when ever I get lonely then I'll think of all those fun and amazing times we had together. For those no one or nothing will ever be able to take them away from me or you!!!
So I want to let you know that you will always be in my heart, thoughts and prayers. I am sending you lots of love and hugs wherever you are! God bless, sweet dreams...