last updated: 25.04.03

Greetings to my fellow Earthings!
Now that I have some free time, I decided I'm going to pull this site a part and rework
as much as I can. Also, I want to try starting up my own E-letter, don't worry it WON'T be about me (wheeeew, eh?) it
will be about life and what it has to offer. I guess kinda like an inspirational E-letter, not quite but somewhere along
the line. I just want to stress it won't be about me because that's not the purpose for it. The reason why I say
I'm going to "try" is if enough people sign up to make it worth wild then I'll do it. All you have to do is open a blank email
and write the subject as: "I'd like to subscribe to Journey" and then press send. You don't have to leave your name or anything,
your email will be kept confidentally and NOT shared with anyone. The reason why I need it, is so I know who to send
the E-letter to. Well, lets hope enough people will join.
Thanks for your time and consideration, Kiddo

I searched through various groups to find a single group devoted to music and reading
but haven't found any that exist. I LOVE both, and the great thing about joining this group is you can love one
or the other, or even both! Even if you love writing, this is the kind of group for you! This group is open to all ages.
